Welcome to the OER Committee Webpage
The Open Education Resources Committee (OERC) reports to the Academic Senate and Student
Success and Equity Council. The OERC provides a forum for the discussion of local
OER awareness, adoption, and support for faculty and students. The committee offers
and provides support, recommendations, guidelines, and standards for the integration
and sustainability of OER across the curriculum. The committee works towards eliminating
barriers to quality higher education and closing equity gaps in student outcomes through
the adoption of open education resources and practices and culturally relevant course
Meeting Schedule
- 2nd Fridays from 2:00pm-3:00pm via Zoom
Committee Membership (as of FA22)
- Faculty Chair: Faculty OER Coordinator: Karla Gutiérrez, M.A.
- Administrative Chair: Dean (rotates between all Deans on annual schedule)
- One faculty member from each of the following divisions will serve as Workgroup Leads
to help fulfill the Charge of the committee in their divisions:
- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (Workgroup Lead):
- Athletics, Kinesiology and Health Ed (Workgroup Lead): JT Tomaschke, M.Ed.
- Career and Technical Education (Workgroup Lead): John Hafner, J.D.
- Counseling Services (Workgroup Lead)
- Learning and Technology Resources (Workgroup Lead): Matthew Chase, MLIS
- Math, Science and Engineering (Workgroup Lead): Sarmad Youssef
- At-Large Faculty (1): Sasha Carter
- Classified Staff Member (1): Martha Galvan
- Associated Student Government Representatives (3)
- Jose Arredondo
- Courtney Etnyre
- Nina Krupenkin
- Mariam Salem
- Instructional Dean (1) - will rotate every year between AHSS, AKHE, CTE, CS, MSE, Counseling, LTR
- Dean of Student Success and Equity: Vacant
- Distance Education Coordinator: Brianna Brown, Ed.D.
- Teaching and Learning Committee Representative: Karla Gutiérrez, M.A.
- Bookstore Representative
- Disabled Students Programs and Services
- Past Faculty OER Liaison to the ASCCC/Past OER Coordinator: Josh Franco, Ph.D.
- Open Education Resources (davidegalliani.com)
- ASCCC OERI | ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative (asccc-oeri.org)
College's Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) Project #2: Expand Open Educational Resources/Low-Cost Course Materials
Cuyamaca College is committed to improving access and success for all students. In
addition, as part of its guided pathways work, Cuyamaca College is exploring ways
to “keep students on the path” by eliminating barriers to students’ successful course
completion. As part of this work, the College has identified the expansion of open
educational resources and low-cost course materials as a significant priority for
the next four years. While initial efforts in specific disciplines and among individual
instructors have begun, the College aims to broaden its OER and low-cost textbook
offerings to ensure students have access to high-quality, affordable texts and materials
in order to succeed in their courses.
Overarching Project Goal
Provide access to high-quality course texts and learning materials at little to no
cost to students in order to improve student learning and support successful course
With constant increases in textbook costs, and recent studies indicating half of two-year college students use financial aid to purchase textbooks, many students are unable to purchase the materials needed for success in their courses in a timely manner or at all [QFE 2-1Covering the Cost Report]. These resources are critically important to student success in college courses. During the development of the ISER, through the College’s guided pathways work, informed by regional efforts and trainings related to Open-Educational Resources (OER) and Zero-Textbook Cost (ZTC), it was noted that textbook and course materials costs presented a significant barrier to student success; thus, the College prioritized the expansion of OER and low-cost course materials as its second Quality Focus Essay project intended to improve student access, learning, success, and ultimately completion [QFE 2 - 2 Regional OER ZTC Workshop Slides].
Visit Accreditation 2019 (davidegalliani.com) to read the Action Plan for Project #2.