September 2022 Newsletter
Greetings! As the Open Educational Resources (OER) Coordinator and Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) OER Liaison for our college, it is my responsibility to share communications from the ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) with you.
Please read on to learn about upcoming events and opportunities that are open to all.
If I can assist you in your considering OER or answer any OER related questions, please
let me know.

Student Voices
The OERI is pleased to announce the availability of the ASCCC OERI Student Impact Toolkit. The Toolkit was developed by a team of OER Liaisons and is intended to facilitate the gathering and sharing of student perspectives related to both OER and ZTC.
OERI Toolkit: Measuring Student Impact: Capturing Student Voices in OER/ZTC
to download the Toolkit, learn about the project, and access openly-licensed videos of students discussing their OER and ZTC experiences. A huge thanks to the OERI Area B Regional Lead, Heather Dodge, for leading this project and to David Betancourt (Cerritos College), Kristine Clancy (Golden West College), Jim Julius (MiraCosta College), Angelina Loyola (Evergreen Valley College), Mary McMillan (El Camino College), Cristina Moon (Chabot College), Cynthia Sheaks-McGowan (Moorpark College), Lindsey Shively (Diablo Valley College), and Amanda Taintor (Reedley College) for their work.
A special thanks to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for allowing the OERI to use images of students from their collection on the website. If you have openly licensed images of our students – or openly licensed images that would be of use to faculty OER authors – please share them with us for inclusion in the
ASCCC OERI Flickr collection.
New OER Available
The OERI is pleased to share that products funded in our third request for proposals (RFP) are complete and available for adoption.
All products funded by the ASCCC OERI can be found on the ASCCC OERI Supported Resources page on our website.
Biology Images
The ASCCC OERI Flickr account is currently populated with over 500 openly licensed images. The anatomy and botany
projects that were previously funded by the OERI involved the creation of hundreds
of images. These images are essential for biology, and there were large gaps for these
relatively specialized fields. The OERI is looking to add additional openly licensed
images to the OERI Flickr account.
California Consortium for Equitable Change in Hispanic Serving Institutions Open Educational Resources (CC ECHO)
is implementing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion [DEI] framework for OER to design 20 high impact courses. Consortium members include West Hills College Lemoore, College of Marin, Allan Hancock College, and College of the Canyons, all of which are Hispanic Serving Institutions. The following projects are now available for your consideration:
We encourage you to visit the
CC ECHO website
to learn more about this project that was funded the
U.S. Department of Education Open Textbooks Pilot Program.
OERI Facilitated Projects
The ASCCC OERI’s 1st “facilitated projects” are in their final stages of review, revision,
and refinement. Biopsychology and Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection were developed by faculty teams recruited by the OERI. Both draft texts are now available
in LibreTexts for consideration by faculty. Faculty feedback is desired – please share with appropriate faculty.
Creative Commons Training
The licenses that are used to identify resources as “open” are provided by
Creative Commons, a nonprofit that also provides training on the appropriate use of the licenses. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative is partnering with the Michelson 20 Million Minds Foundation and Skyline College to hold a Creative Commons (CC) Certificate Bootcamp from January 9 - 13, 2023.
The tuition for the program and a small travel stipend for participants will be covered by the 20MM Foundation.
The application deadline is 11:00 pm, Monday, September 26.
Applicants with established OER roles and a clear vision for how they will maximize their Creative Commons knowledge will be prioritized.
The selection committee will also strive to ensure the diversity of participants, including discipline and institutional diversity.
Access the Creative Commons (CC) Certificate: Winter Bootcamp Application.
OERI Seeking Discipline Leads
The ASCCC OERI is recruiting faculty to support our OER advocacy efforts by serving
as Discipline Leads during the 2022-2023 academic year. Each Discipline Lead will
serve as a resource for their discipline colleagues and will typically host at least
one virtual event each term. Additional tasks of each Discipline Lead will be determined
by the status of OER in the discipline. Discipline Leads receive a stipend of $500
at the end of each term upon completion of their specified tasks.
We are currently recruiting Discipline Leads for the following disciplines:
- Computer Science
- Counseling
- Education
- Ethnic Studies
- Film, Television, and Electronic Media
- Geography
- Journalism
- Math
- Music
- Social Justice Studies
Interested faculty should see
ASCCC OERI – Seeking Faculty for OER Work
for more information and application instructions.
OERI Events – September OERI Friday Forums
The OERI Friday Forums will be held from 10:30 am – 11:30 am on the 1st and 3rd Fridays
of the month, provided there are no scheduling conflicts (e.g., a holiday). Due to
Labor Day, September’s OERI Friday Forums will be on the 2nd and 3rd Fridays. These
webinars are archived. The ASCCC OERI will provide automated captioning for all webinars.
If you would like to request live human closed-captioning for any of our offerings,
please contact us by e-mail
at least 10 business days in advance.
OERI Friday Forums are intended for a diverse audience. Please share with your colleagues. We hope you will all join us!
Friday, September 9, 10:30 am - 11:30 am The ZTC Program – An Overview
- In July, the Chancellor’s Office released a memo outlining the phasing of disseminating $115 million for ZTC. What will be required in Phase 1? And what can we expect in Phase 2? In this webinar, a representative from the Chancellor’s Office will provide an overview of the ZTC Program and answer your questions.
- Register for The ZTC Program – An Overview
Friday, September 16, 10:30 am - 11:30 am ZTC Via OER – What do the data say
- OER is one way to alleviate textbook costs for students – but is it the best way? Other than the benefit of being free, are there data to demonstrate increased student success when ZTC is achieved by using OER? Colleagues from across the state will share their research findings with respect to this question.
- Register for ZTC Via OER – What do the data say?