October 2023 Newsletter
Greetings! As the Open Educational Resources Coordinator and ASCCC OERI Liaison for our college, it is my responsibility to share communications from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI).
Please read on to learn about upcoming events and opportunities that are open to all.
If I can assist you as you consider OER for your classes or answer any OER-related questions, please email me at josue.franco@gcccd.edu.
Also, a hearty congratulations to Cuyamaca College’s Dr. Teresa Hodges for co-authoring Introduction to Ethnic Studies OER textbook!
ZTC Degree Program Information
Zero Textbook Cost Program: Acceleration Grants
At least thirty-seven colleges submitted one or more Acceleration Grant applications by the initial deadline of September 15. There were 1 – 18 applications seeking anywhere from $32,200 to over two million. Unfortunately, our accounting is not exact since the details of additional applications from colleges were not always available in NOVA. At present, the applications total a little over $17 million. Since Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) were prioritized in the grant process, we wanted to share an overview of the ADT ZTC pathways applications submitted. Also, a Word Cloud of the degrees and certificates referenced in the applications was created by Josh Franco from Cuyamaca and provides an impression of what was submitted.
Number of Applications |
$ Total |
Average |
Low |
High |
Admin of Justice |
4 |
$620,877 |
$155,219 |
$40,000 |
$200,000 |
Anthropology |
1 |
$199,126 |
Business Admin |
5 |
$674,622 |
$134,924 |
$20,000 |
$199,575 |
Comm Studies |
2 |
$302,160 |
$151,080 |
$118,560 |
$183,600 |
Computer Science |
1 |
$199,600 |
Early Childhood Ed |
7 |
$907,935 |
$129,705 |
$40,000 |
$200,000 |
Economics |
1 |
$200,000 |
Elem Teacher Ed |
4 |
$512,286 |
$128,072 |
$40,000 |
$200,000 |
English |
3 |
$611,750 |
$203,917 |
$40,000 |
$200,000 |
Film, TV, and Electronic Media |
2 |
$399,709 |
$199,855 |
$199,714 |
$199,995 |
Geography |
1 |
$199,680 |
Geology |
1 |
$90,480 |
Hosp Mgmt |
1 |
$181,000 |
History |
3 |
$495,828 |
$165,276 |
$95,828 |
$200,000 |
Journalism |
1 |
$195,774 |
Music |
1 |
$138,883 |
Mathematics |
1 |
$200,000 |
Philosophy |
2 |
$122,060 |
$61,030 |
$50,000 |
$72,060 |
Poli Sci |
4 |
$466,786 |
$116,697 |
$60,000 |
$200,000 |
Public Health Sci |
1 |
$200,000 |
Psychology |
8 |
$1,196,043 |
$149,505 |
$200,000 |
$20,000 |
Social Justice Studies |
2 |
$400,000 |
$200,000 |
$200,000 |
$200,000 |
Social Work and Human Services |
1 |
$107,000 |
Sociology |
8 |
$940,255 |
$117,532 |
$73,200 |
$200,000 |
Spanish |
1 |
$98,315 |
ZTC Grant Information
Looking for general information about the Acceleration Grants? View the archived materials from the ZTC Acceleration Grant Information Sessions.
For questions regarding the ZTC Acceleration Grant Program or Program Plan Submission, please contact the ZTC Technical Assistance Provider. For questions regarding payment, reporting processes, or any other NOVA related questions, please contact the Chancellor’s Office.
Additional ZTC information can be obtained by attending the ZTC Office Monthly Office Hours hosted by the CCCCO and subscribing to the ZTC listserv by sending a request to the CCCCO’s ZTC email (ztc@cccco.edu). The ZTC Monthly Office Hours are held on the last Friday of the month from 9:00 am - 10:00 am.
The OERI has been archiving the messages sent out on the ZTC listserv, as well as other ZTC-relevant messages and information. Access the OER and ZTC page to find all the latest information about ZTC degrees and related textbook affordability requirements.
October Discipline Highlight – Ethnic Studies
Two New OER textbooks
With support from the ASCCC OERI RFP IV, two new survey texts are available for introductory courses in Ethnic Studies and Chicanx and Latinx Studies. Both projects reflect collaborative teams of Ethnic Studies faculty from around the state of California.
Fischer, Kay, Mario Alberto Viveros Espinoza-Kulick, Ulysses Acevedo, Teresa Hodges, Melissa Leal, and Tamara Cheshire, Introduction to Ethnic Studies. Open Educational Resource: LibreTexts, 2023. Available online http://tinyurl.com/IESOER
This textbook examines the development of Ethnic Studies as an academic discipline and provides relevant education centering narratives, philosophies, histories, and cultures of Black Indigenous People of Color, while countering eurocentrism and white supremacy. The content includes a comparative approach covering Africana/African American/Black Studies, Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies, Chicanx/Latinx Studies, and American Indian/Native American Studies.
González, Amber Rose, Mario Alberto Viveros Espinoza-Kulick, Melissa Moreno, Lucha Arévalo, and Eddy Francisco Alvarez Jr., New Directions in Chicanx and Latinx Studies. Open Educational Resource: LibreTexts, 2023. Available online http://tinyurl.com/NDCLS
A comprehensive, peer-reviewed introductory textbook written by scholars from the California Community Colleges and California State University. The content, spanning ten chapters, is guided by intersectional, transnational, and relational frameworks that build on current and emergent work in Chicanx and Latinx Studies.
Updates to the Discipline Resource Page
There have been a number of coordinated efforts to produce specialized OER and relevant materials for a range of Ethnic Studies courses, which are reflected in the updated OER and Ethnic Studies resource page. One key highlight includes the development of pedagogical materials, which may be useful for instructors in any class, as well as specifically for those involved in teacher training for Ethnic Studies educators. As well, for teachers in Native American and Indigenous Studies, more OER have been created relating to information and data, health, teaching, and language preservation.
Forthcoming Projects
Two new projects are underway to continue to develop the available materials for the most common Ethnic Studies courses, including introductory classes in each of the four core disciplines. This year, two groups received funding through the ASCCC OERI RFP V for projects in Ethnic Studies. To further develop the book mentioned above, the authors of New Directions in Chicanx and Latinx Studies are completing a project entitled "Facilitating Active Learning with H5P/ADAPT Materials for New Directions in Chicanx and Latinx Studies.” As well, another group will be addressing the need for OER in Black Studies through the project, "OER Textbook and Ancillary Materials for Introduction to African American Studies: An Anthology of Essays on Radical Black Thought Intellect and Culture for the Ethnic Studies Student."
OERI and IDEA Framework Office Hours
Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) Office Hours
Looking for a place to discuss your Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) experiences and challenges? Interested in how your colleagues are mapping their ZTC data and prioritizing their work? Curious to learn how others are creating ZTC plans that avoid duplication and ensure sustainability? Join the OERI and your OER Liaison colleagues to explore the topics that are top of mind.
Register for Tuesday, October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, 9:30 am – 10:30 am OERI Office Hours
Register for Wednesday, October 4, 11, 18, and 25, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm OERI Office Hours
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA) Framework Office Hours
Drop in to chat about ASCCC's IDEA Framework. This space is for anyone using the framework to assess existing OER materials, to create new OER, or to discuss all things IDEA. Join your IDEA colleagues to ask questions, to get feedback, or to brainstorm.
Register for Thursday. October 5, 12, and 26, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm IDEA Framework Office Hours
OERI Events – October OERI Friday Forums
The OERI Friday Forums will be held from 10:30 am – 11:30 am on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, provided there are no scheduling conflicts (e.g., a holiday). All Friday Forum webinars are archived. The ASCCC OERI will provide automated captioning for all webinars. If you would like to request live human closed-captioning for any of our offerings, please contact us by e-mail at least 10 business days in advance.
OERI Friday Forums are intended for a diverse audience. Please share with your colleagues. We hope you all will join us!
Friday, October 20, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
The Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism (IDEA) Framework Assessment Process
Join us in exploring the complete IDEA Framework assessment process including the IDEA principles, assessment categories, and rubrics. Also in this session, an OER textbook editor will share their experience going through the assessment process and offer considerations for other textbook editors.
Register for The IDEA Framework Assessment Process
OERI Discipline Lead Events
The OERI Discipline Leads regularly host conversations and webinars to share resources, identify needs, and build community. These events are intended for discipline faculty and those who have an interest in the discipline as supporters or advocates. A “conversation” or an office hour are informal discussions and will not be recorded. Webinars will be recorded and archived. The ASCCC OERI will provide automated captioning for all webinars. If you would like to request live human closed-captioning for any of our offerings, please contact us by e-mail at least 10 business days in advance.
Economics Open Educational Resources (OER) Office Hours
The OERI is pleased to offer Economics OER office hours throughout the term. These office hours will be open to discuss any questions or ideas about economics and OER.
Register for Thursday, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Economics Office Hours
Register for Thursday, November 2, 9, 30, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Economics Office Hours
Math Open Educational Resources (OER) Office Hours
The OERI is pleased to offer a series of Math OER office hours throughout the term. These office hours will serve as a QandA session where attendees bring in their math OER needs, requests, and questions. Attendees can also use this space to receive guidance and ask questions pertaining to MyOpenMath.
Register for Math OER Office Hours on Thursday, November 2, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Register for Math OER Office Hours on Friday, November 17, 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Register for Math OER Office Hours on Tuesday, November 28, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Psychology Open Educational Resources (OER) Office Hours
The OERI is pleased to offer Psychology OER office hours. These office hours will be a space to discuss any questions or ideas about psychology and OER.
Register for Psychology OER Office hour on Monday, October 30, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register for Psychology OER Office hour on Monday, November 13, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Register for Psychology OER Office hour on Wednesday, November 29, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Register for Psychology OER Office hour on Tuesday, December 12, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Friday, October 20, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Getting Spanish to Zero - An Openly-Licensed Homework Option for Spanish
Are you tired of having students pay for expensive licenses to access a homework platform? Say goodbye to costly licenses for homework! Discover a more inclusive and affordable approach for your language students with LibreTexts ADAPT. Plus, learn how to seamlessly integrate homework grades into your Canvas grade book. Join us and hear from our Spanish colleagues who have already embraced ADAPT for their courses. Unlock a new era of accessible education with LibreTexts ADAPT!
Register for Getting Spanish to Zero
Wednesday, October 25, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Zero-Textbook-Cost (ZTC) Degrees for Communication Studies: Where are the gaps?
Are you interested the ZTC degree options and paths that are being developed with the Chancellor’s Office Acceleration grants? What is your college doing? Where do you need support? Join us to share your ideas, aspirations, and challenges.
Register for ZTC Degrees for Communication Studies: Where are the gaps?
Friday, October 27, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Spanish Open Educational Resources (OER) Hackathon: Let's create a HW Collection
Do you want to help us create Spanish OER homework activities in ADAPT? During our OER Hackathon, we will create a collection of activities using LibreTexts ADAPT homework system. Come and join the fun and share the newly created resources with the world!
Register for the Spanish OER Hackathon
Wednesday, November 1, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Existing and Pipeline Geology Open Educational Resources (OER)
Join us as we briefly review existing geology OER and learn about an exciting forthcoming text! There will also be time to discuss and share our best practices.
Register for Existing and Pipeline Geology OER Resources
Friday, November 3, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
American Sign Language (ASL) and Open Education Resources (OER)—Updates and Open Discussion about OER and Zero-Textbook-Cost (ZTC)
Join us for an opportunity to share ASL OER updates. We will also provide a space to discuss OER development and the relationship between OER and the statewide push for ZTC (zero-textbook-cost) development. Our conversation will be facilitated in ASL, with interpreters available to support those who need spoken English.
LibreTexts Virtual and In-Person Events
LibreTexts Virtual Event
LibreTexts will be hosting an October LibreFest workshop virtually over two half days (10:00 am - 2:00 pm) on October 23 and 24, 2023. In this online event, you will learn how to construct, edit, and remix content on the LibreTexts platform. You’ll also get an in-depth look at our open homework system, ADAPT, which is free for all California educators for the next four years thanks to a generous grant from the California Education Learning Lab.
Registration is $35 and includes a limited-edition t-shirt and other small swag. Register for October 2023 LibreFest no later than October 20. Please be sure to click on the payment link at the end of the form to complete your registration. If you are affiliated with a LibreNet member institution, registration is free, and no shirt/swag is included.
LibreTexts In-Person Workshops
Six new, in-person workshops will be held across California to showcase the LibreTexts open homework and assessment platform, ADAPT. These workshops will introduce educators to ADAPT as well as the LibreTexts H5P creation platform, Studio. Currently sponsored by the California Education Learning Lab (CELL), both platforms are free for all California instructors and students for the next four years. During these workshops LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, Delmar Larsen, will demonstrate how instructors can use ADAPT to augment existing and newly constructed OER textbooks with summative exercises and embed them in LibreTexts textbooks, a Learning Management System (LMS), a standalone application, and in-class clickers. Discussions will demonstrate how the ADAPT homework system empowers faculty to build and use existing questions in multiple modalities. Participants will learn how to build autograded questions based on four technologies – H5P, WebWork, IMathAS, and native (QTI) – that can be used interchangeably to allow for maximal impact.
Delmar will also introduce the Studio platform for construction, storage, and distribution of H5P assessments. Participants will be able to join Studio to create and share H5P assessments, review the H5P of other authors, and build/join a community within Studio.
Workshops are open to all educators. Registration is free but required. All events have limited capacity. All events are scheduled from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Register for November 3 LibreTexts Workshop at Coastline College
Register for November 4 LibreTexts Workshop at Santa Monica College
Register for December 1 LibreTexts Workshop at Cañada College